Investment Migration

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Investment Migration
Investment Migration

Neil Innovation offers investors a wide range of services to assist them in successfully applying for the Migrant Investor Program.

Counseling Services

Provide detailed counseling on investment migration policies, requirements and procedures of different countries.

Business Plan Development

Assist investors in developing a business plan that meets the requirements of the target country.

Documentation Preparation

Assist investors in preparing and submitting the required documents and application materials.

Investment Advice

Provide investment advice to help investors select suitable investment projects. Migration Process Support:Assist investors throughout all stages of the migration process, including visa applications and follow-up procedures.

Migration Process Support

Assist investors throughout all stages of the migration process, including visa applications and follow-up procedures.

Legal and Financial Services

We provide legal and financial expertise to ensure that the investor's transactions are lawful and compliant.

Benefits of the Taiwan Migrant Investor Program

Residency or Nationality

Successful investment migrant applicants may be granted long-term residency or even citizenship in the target country, allowing them to settle and work there.
Education and Healthcare

Migrant investors may be able to provide the applicant's family with access to improved education and healthcare services.
Stable economic environment

Due to its robust political system and strong economy, making it an attractive and secure option for investors. Taiwan's economy is growing rapidly and plays a significant role in the global market.
Cultural Experience

Taiwan boasts a vibrant and diverse culture, encompassing traditional cultural activities, culinary delights, and lively festivals.
Quality of Life

Taiwan consistently ranks high in international quality of life assessments. The region offers picturesque natural landscapes, modern cities, efficient transportation, and a safe environment.
Business Opportunities

Taiwan is a business-friendly destination with an active business environment and numerous entrepreneurial prospects. As a resident of Taiwan, you can participate in local business activities or establish your own enterprise.
Government Support

The Taiwanese government typically provides support and welfare services to legal residents, including healthcare and social benefits.

Migration services are provided by Hong Kong